【Earth From Above】 2009.5.5
An aerial portrait of our planet - towards sustainable development,
by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
【sustainable development】
Heart in Voh, New Caledonia, France
A mangrove swamp is an amphibious tree formation common to muddy tropical coastlines
with fluctuating tides. It consists of various halophytes (plants that can develop in a saline
environment) and a predominance of mangroves. These swamps are found on four continents,
covering a total area of 65,000 sq. miles (170,000 km2), or nearly 25% of the world's coastal
areas. This represents only half of the original range, because these fragile swamps hae been
continually reduced by the overexploitation of reasources, agricultural and urban expansion,
and pollution. The mangrove remains, however, as indispensable to sea fauna and to the
equilibrium of the shorelines as it is to the local exconomy. New Caledonia, a group of Pacific
islands covering 7,000 sq. miles (18,575 km2), has 80 sq, miles ( 200 km2) of a fairly low (25 - 33
feet, or 8 -10 m ) but very denxe mangrove swamp, primaily on the west coast of the largest island,
Grande Terre. At certain spots in the interior that are not reached by seawater except at hight tides,
vegetation gives way to bare, oversalted stretches called "tannes", such as this one near the city of
Voh, where nature has carved this clearing in the form of a heart.
在大洋洲西南部的一個境外領地 - 新喀里多尼
亞島,位在南回歸線附近。 此島的北省有座叫
Voh 的小鎮,就是天然愛心紅樹林沼澤高空照
Bora Bora, Polynesia, France
An overseas French territory since 1946, the archielago of the leeward islands in Polynesia
includes this 38 km2 island whose vernacular name means "first born". Made up of the
emerged portion of the crater of a 7 million years old volcano, it is surrounded by a coral
barrier reef upon which have developed small corral island with a vegetal cover chiefly
constituted of coconut trees. The lagoon's only opening to the sea is Teavanni Pass, deep
enough to allow cargo and warships in. (This island served as an American military base
from 1942-1946.) In all, the coral formations of the planet cover only 284,000 km2 of ocean
floor and less than 0.06% of the Earth's surface, but they offer remarkable biodiversity with
some 100,000 plant and animal species inventoried. With 60% of coral reefs under threat,
thesituation is serious - but not desperate. Against devastation resulting from pollution, over
fishing and rising temperature, it has been observed that regenerated coral surfaces are on
the increase.
法屬波利尼西亞位在南太平洋上。 從1842年開始,為法國的保護領地;
Bora Bora 屬於法屬波里尼西亞五大群島之一。此五大群島為大家最為 熟悉的 Tahiti (大溪地),接下來往北依次是 Moorea、Huahine、Tahaa& Raiatea,和最北端的 Bora Bora 島。Bora Bora 島位在大溪地西北方約兩 百七十公里處 (飛行時間約為四十五分鐘)。此島享有"太平洋珍珠"的美譽 ,被公認為全世界最美麗與最浪漫的島嶼;也有人說 Bora Bora 島像是塊 綠寶石被放置在太平洋這個優美的珠寶盒中。此島人口約五千八百人,沿 著海岸公路環島一圈只有二十九公里。Bora Bora 是由一個主島和外圍環 繞的珊瑚礁形成的,主島和外環 motu 之間形成一個奇特的內海,海水清 澈見底,隨著海岸的深淺變化呈現各種不同的顏色,由外海往沙灘,從深 藍色變成淺藍色,從淺藍色變成深綠色,從深綠色變成淺綠色,再從淺綠 色變成白色的淺灘與沙灘。 大溪地航空旅遊網 http://www.airtahitinui.com.tw/information.htm 法屬波里尼西亞(大溪地)旅遊指南 http://tw.group.knowledge.yahoo.com/chi-hsiang/article/view?aid=85 【Earth From Above】aerial portraits of our earth -1 by Christine
**有興趣去大溪地和 BoraBora 島的話,下面網站可供參考**